Well, I as if I didn’t have enough unfinished pieces sitting around my studio, I have started another new work. It’s seldom that I have only one work in progress. When I’m working in oils I have to wait for things to dry. With acrylics drying isn’t a problem but I sometimes come to a point in a work where I will stop to rest, or the piece isn’t going the way I want, or I just loose interest or get tired of working on it. I might leave the piece untouched for hours or days or weeks. And there are times when I seem to be blocked. Nothing appeals to me and I just can’t get the spirit back to paint. If I try to paint when I am like that nothing works, it is frustrating and unproductive. So I have learned to walk away and wait. Then suddenly, like today the inspiration strikes. Something re-ignites that spark and I MUST paint. Normally when that happens I most often have an overwhelming desire to create a new work no matter how many I already have in progress. So I go with it. I know the passion to create new work will not only take me through it, but will also keep me going and allow me to complete other works and start even more new ones. The way I approach my art is not science, it’s not technical, it’s something creative within me driven to be expressed. When I do express it, I am most fulfilled. When I create a piece I truly love it brings me something I struggle to express. It’s like a part of me was missing and now is whole. Anyway, I have given you another peek inside my mind and now here is the peek inside my studio at my latest work in progress “Eagle Eyes“.
Block broken, New Work Begun